
Handmade bits & bobs

Necesser d’hexagons – Hexagon toiletry bag

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De nou ha passat molt temps des del meu últim post. Després d’un estiu molt atrafegada amb feina, finalment he pogut acabar un projecte que havia començat fa temps sense saber ben bé on em portaria.

Es tracta del patchwork amb hexagons, que ha acabat convertint-se en un necesser. I ho dic d’aquesta manera perquè realment vaig començar sense saber què feia ni com acabaria!

El que és més interessant d’aquest projecte és la part dels hexagons la qual està cosida tota a mà. És una tècnica que volia provar. És molt entretingut i alhora satisfactori anar cosint els hexagons un a un i anar veient de mica en mica com alguna cosa va prenent forma…

Finalment em vaig decidir per fer una bosseta/necesser. Em sembla que fer coses petites és lo meu! 🙂

Us deixo fotos de tot el procés:








I el resultat final!

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Again a long time has passed since my last post. After a very busy summer with lots of work, I have finally been able to finish a project that I begun some time ago without really knowing where it would take me.
It is patchwork with hexagons, a project that ended up becoming another pouch. And I say it in this way because when I started I didn’t really know what it would become!

What is interesting about this project is the part of the hexagons which is all sewn by hand. This is a technique that I wanted to try. It was very entertaining and at the same time satisfying sewing all the hexagons one by one, and gradually seeing something taking shape  …

I finally  decided to make a toiletry bag. I think doing small things is my thing! 🙂
Below you can see thumbnails of the whole process and the end result. Scroll up or click for bigger photos.

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This entry was posted on Octubre 15, 2016 by in Costura, Patchwork.
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